P.C. Stevie Love

Sunday, October 24, 2010

P.C. Stevie Love will be reading from his new book. He addresses racism in his life and in all our lives.

PC Biography

PC has lived in Madison for 37 years. He currently lives on the eastside with his wife Karla where he spends his time playing drums and listening to good music. When he is not pursuing his musical interests he is working to spread his message of acceptance and respect for people who are differently-abled. He has written three self advocacy books in which he tries to change the way people treat and look at those who are mentally challenged. PC tells some tough, painful stories of his past; and these experiences still evoke strong feelings of hurt and anger deep within. Throughout his work, though, PC returns to a message of hope, freedom and equality- standing up for the rights of those our society diagnoses and labels.
PC challenges even those of us who consider ourselves advocates. How does our language of labels, although intended to be respectful, infect the way we see the people with whom we work?
PC has a strong, unyielding message. Listen.