The Delta Jets w/ Spitzer Space Telescope - $6
Recreating that Delta Blues sound, The Delta Jets (from Green Bay) will get hold of you and pull you in. Dale Anderson plays an assortment of guitars and evokes that Muddy Waters thang with a mix of originals and old time blues standards. They'll be bringing their new harmonica player for this gig. This is no ordinary blues group, this is a blues exorcism.
Spitzer Space Telescope: For some of his songs, aspiring singer-songwriter Dan MacDonald (CFA---10) duct tapes a tambourine to his foot as an accompaniment on stage, but ---most of the time," he says, "it breaks ---cause I stomp the s--t out of it.---
MacDonald, otherwise known as Spitzer Space Telescope, is a one-man band of sorts --- guitarist, harmonica and tambourine player, and vocalist.
---There aren---t too many negatives about performing solo,--- says MacDonald, who studies painting at the College of Fine Arts. ---I simply can---t tap into the energy I could with a band. Everything is simplified. And my mistakes are completely exposed. I can---t hide them behind a wall of sound.---