Primodial Soup

Saturday, March 4, 2006

PRIMORDIAL SOUP ---- Tom Hamer, drums ------ Uncle Larry Hancock, electric bass --------- Tom Lachmund, saxes & bass clarinet

Out of the shrouded mists of ageless time, from the primeival ooze of ceaselessly mutating lifeforms, emerge 3 strange beings, each clutching some kind of crude metal object to its breast, like a talisman.

"oh,what manner of creature be these?.. and what business brings them here, in this place of turmoil & strife?"

The beings take their metallic objects & begin to scratch at, to bang on, & to bellow into them. And lo! a strange but vital noise emerges from their midst.

"o, what manner of sound is this frightful din?", ask the people round,all awonder. "is it 'avant- guarde?' is it 'jazz'? is it 'ethnic?' is it 'experimental?'"

Why, prithee, good souls, it is none, & it is all & it is more. From the Air it comes & to the Air it returns. It is the SOUND of PRIMORDIAL SOUP!

Take a dive into their nutrient-rich sound-broth at Mother Fools on SAT. MARCH 4, 2006 @ 8PM