Biting the Silver Tongue

Hanna Bruer - July 2015

July 1 - 31, 2015

Bio: I'm Hanna Bruer, and I'm an artist living in Madison. I earned my BA in Art at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, and my art still continues to evolve. I work mostly with abstract painting and illustration. The most prominent identifiable aspect of my work is the use of text as imagery. Lots of trial and error, training, and learning got me to this point, but now I feel like my art is a great representation of myself and my experiences. I've enjoyed displaying my work around southern Wisconsin and continue to offer my work online.

Description of Work: My paintings are an abstract series of essays, each inspired by something different. Their power lies in the process: the gesture and the movement, the words and the emotion. The use of text as image ties everything together to become not only a painting, but an entire experience from start to finish.